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The composition of degradable plastic bags

The composition of degradable plastic bags mainly includes traditional plastics and degradable materials.

1. Traditional plastics:
Polyethylene (PE) : Polyethylene is a common plastic material that has good toughness and chemical resistance and is often used to make plastic bags. But the traditional polyethylene plastic bag is not easy to degrade, causing pollution to the environment.
Polypropylene (PP) : Polypropylene is another common plastic material that has a high melting point and heat resistance and is often used to make plastic bags. Similar to polyethylene, traditional polypropylene plastic bags are not easily degraded.

2. Degradable materials:
Starch: Starch is a naturally degradable material that is often used to make degradable plastic bags. Starch can be extracted from corn, potato and other plants, and has good degradability.
– Polylactic acid (PLA) : Polylactic acid is a biodegradable plastic formed from the polymerization of lactic acid molecules. It can be extracted from plant starch or produced by microbial fermentation, and has good degradability and biocompatibility.
Polyhydroxyfatty acid ester (PHA) : PHA is a class of biosynthetic degradable plastics that can be produced by microbial fermentation. It has good degradability and biocompatibility, and can be used to make degradable plastic bags.

When making degradable plastic bags, traditional plastics are often mixed with degradable materials to take into account the use function and degradation performance of plastic bags. This mixed material can be decomposed into small molecules under certain conditions, and eventually decomposed by microorganisms or degraded naturally. It should be noted that the degradation rate and way of degradable plastic bags are affected by environmental conditions, so in actual use, the correct treatment method and environmental conditions are crucial to achieve the effective degradation of plastic bags.

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